Scott's Story

Some of you will have seen our film 'Your Choice" in school. A young man called Scott featured in the film, Scott was paralysed from the neck down in a knife attack 10 years ago and is now confined to a wheelchair unable to move anything but his head. Read Scott's story about the attack that left him paralysed and what his life is like now. BIG thank you to Scott for sharing this with us.

A Day in the Life of Scott Breslin



Feedback from some 2nd year pupils at St Stephen’s High, Port Glasgow after their MAV visit

‘ I thought the DVD was scary and I know its bad to carry a knife’ ; 

 ‘ I thought the violence was hard to look at but  made you really think of the consequences of carrying a knife’

‘shows you what really happens when people get involved with violence’

‘ normally when people talk about violence its about the offender. This time it was different because the DVD showed us how the victims of violence felt’

‘ I learned its my choice nobody else’s ’

‘ it changes what you think about having a knife’


What message do you think the doctors were trying to get across?

'Don’t carry a knife; Knives are dangerous-creates more danger for you and others’

'Stay away from gangs'

‘violence is never the answer’

‘if you see trouble, walk the other way’

‘There is no safe place to be stabbed’

'Don’t get drunk'


 Letters from Polmont Young Offenders Institution

Last month the medics visited Polmont and spoke to some of the boys there about the dangers of knife crime,  many of the young men in Polmont are there because they have been involved in violence and lost their freedom as a result. These are some letters from them.